
Cupcake Event at TAG, June 12

Cupcake tasting, art raffle and general sugar coma 

karolynh checks in

gary brought classic hostess brand

anita brought yummy

karen brought banana

cathy brought peanutbutter

dez brought spice

the ladies that brought the ticings



Sweet Dreamery Pecan Turtle

Cinnamon Apple from Sweet Tooth Cupcakes

the spread


cupcake wine from michelle

and the winner is...



older cupcake sketches

I had been telling everyone that my first cupcake sketch was of the ginormous Quack's Lemon Meringue:

not true! an earlier sketch appeared over on my sketch blog that I'd forgotten about, a Yummy Vanilla/Vanilla:
4/26/09 is the first cupcake sketch

Reception and first sale

The show reception was well attended, despite it being a holiday weekend.
Nestled between the animal crackers and the spa water are some "toxic" cupcakes that I got at Smart & Final. They tasted horrible - I tried one. The kids seemed to like them though! Only one left at the end of the night.
The Red Velvet sketch sold! (Thank you Severo for obtaining the model)
Prints are now available on Society6.