
Sugar Mama's in Austin makes the BEST Lemon Cupcake

Sugar Mama's, 1905 S 1st St Suite A  Austin, TX 78704, 512-448-3727 is a new favorite! The Enabler found it through an online article in the Austin Chronicle.

oh, the choices!
click on images to see bigger 

The Pinup - choc/vanilla
James Brown - choc/choc -- YEOW!

Jack's Lemon - lemon/lemon
Marylin Monroe - vanilla/vanilla

we opted for lemon flavors,
the cupcake (THE BEST) and
the lemon bar (meh)

we worked on our shopping list...
The Hemingway not available until the next day

1st take home box of many:
Marylin (just OK)
Bourbon Chocolate Pecan Bar (OMG!!!!!!)
JB (fantastic - their best chocolate cupcake)
Iced Molassas (OK)

Odd Couple: choc/salted caramel and vanilla cream (OK)

Coconut Cream Pie -- OMG, the best I've ever had
The enabler returned the next day and got the items on the list... to be continued...